Transforming Knowledge into Change

Seeing the Forest (Beyond the Trees): Learning Across the Experiences of Seven Advocacy Evaluators [Slides]

Advocacy and policy change evaluation continues to evolve and mature--from a fledgling field a few years ago to the flourishing field of today. Evaluators are advancing as well, developing an increasingly robust collective understanding about what works for advocacy evaluation. In this session a diverse group of seven advocacy evaluators explored and synthesized observations drawn from an array of real-world experiences. Panelists spoke to targeted questions, weaving in their wealth of experience and examples. The conversation began with this question: "What have you learned from your advocacy evaluation experience?" From there, panelists delved into the range of cases they represent. The session identified commonalities among these cases as well as contradictions/inconsistencies to move toward a field-level understanding. Presenters also used graphic recording methods to organize and report out on session themes.


Bibliographic Details
Author Johanna Morariu, Jara Dean-Coffey, Tom Kelly, Claire Hutchings, David Devlin Foltz, Robin Kane, Jared Raynor, Anne Gienapp,
Publisher Innovation Network
Publication Date October 19, 2013
Publication City Washington, D.C.
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K July 21, 2014 - 12:13pm


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