Transforming Knowledge into Change

Evaluating the Effectiveness of DFID's Influence with Multilaterals

This report is based on investigations carried out over five weeks involving approximately 40 organizations in the international NGO community.  The report covers four main topics

  • Definitions and their Consequences
  • Who Participates and What Difference Does it Make?
  • What to Monitor? and
  • Collection and Analysis

This report is preliminary in nature. In the author's words, "The sampling process has been more opportunistic than systematic, and the result is a constructively critical review of NGO practice, rather than a record of best practice [...] The evidence that has been collated represents the tip of a large iceberg, only part of which is formally documented and only part of that is available to outsiders, and often only after some effort [...] This review is far from being complete."


Bibliographic Details
Author Davies, Rick
Publisher U.K. Department for International Development (DFID), Eastern Europe and Western Hemisphere Division (EEWHD), Americas and Transition Economies and Policy Department (ATEP)
Publication Date August 1, 2001
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K January 18, 2008 - 10:25am


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