Transforming Knowledge into Change

The Metrics Café: A Guide to Bring Funders and Grantees to the Table

The Metrics Café from MIT's D-Lab offers a user-friendly, light-hearted take on understanding how metrics can be selected by funders and grantees. The guide likens metrics selection to meal formats, offering case examples and tips on when and how to use the four approaches:


  1. Prix Fixe: All grantees report on the same set of standard metrics.
  2. À La Carte: Grantees choose from a menu of standard metrics.
  3. Made to Order: Funder and grantee work together to come up with a set of metrics.
  4. Bring Your Own Lunch: Grantees come with their own metrics.




Bibliographic Details
Author Laura Budzyna
Publisher MIT D-Lab
Publication Date April 1, 2017
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K September 14, 2017 - 10:45am

Point K Pick


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