Transforming Knowledge into Change

An Essential Guide to SWOT Analysis

The Essential Guide to SWOT Analysis is the end product of a unique collaboration. As previously noted, through my work at a startup, I realized that there were no great, comprehensive SWOT guides out there, especially for people in the business world. So, I enlisted my college mentor, Justin Gomer, a Lecturer at UC Berkeley, and we decided to make a comprehensive guide ourselves. The finished product is a guide to SWOT Analysis that is readily usable for either a professional evaluator hired as a consultant to help out with a company’s investment strategy, or for a volunteer at a non-profit, who needs help evaluating an organization’s goals for the upcoming summer. 


Bibliographic Details
Author Justin Gomer & Jackson Hille
Publisher FormSwift
Publication Date January 1, 2014
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K June 12, 2015 - 11:51am


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