Transforming Knowledge into Change

The Challenge of Assessing Policy and Advocacy Activities Part II

After "The Challenge of Assessing Policy and Advocacy Activities" was published, the California Endowment Fund vetted the report findings and determined how to implement its recommendaions by convening a small group of foundation staff, grantees, and evaluators to engage in a series of discussions on the main themes of the report.

This paper synthesizes the convening discussions in order to advance the conversations across the field on policy and advocacy evaluation. It is organized into two broad sections. The first section summarizes participants' overall feedback and recommendations on approaching policy and advocacy evaluation. The second section provides specific suggestions from participants on developing a theory of change; defining benchmarks and indicators, and collecting data; and using findings. 


Bibliographic Details
Author Researched and written by Blueprint Research & Design, Inc.
Publisher California Endowment Fund
Publication Date October 1, 2006
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K April 7, 2015 - 10:07am

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