Transforming Knowledge into Change

Creative Ways to Solicit Youth Input: A Hands-On Guide for Youth Practitioners

To understand how our programs are doing, improve the quality of those programs and report to funders and other stakeholders, we collect information from a variety of sources: staff, parents, and the youth themselves. This manual provides ideas for other, creative ways to get input from youth.

Part One outlines a process you can use to plan your evaluation questions. Next, we present some key ideas to consider when implementing your evaluation, analyzing the results and reporting them.

Part Two lists detailed instructions for several activities you can use with youth to solicit their feedback. Each activity includes a list of materials you will need, the best age groups and group size for the activity, how long it will take, and any special setting or equipment you will need.
The manual concludes with a listing of additional resources for youth-focused and -led evaluation, for additional activities similar to the ones included here, and for analyzing and reporting your results.


Bibliographic Details
Author Public Profit
Publisher Public Profit
Publication Date May 1, 2012
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K January 23, 2014 - 2:45pm

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