Transforming Knowledge into Change

Understanding the Public Policy Landscape: Lessons from a Retrospective Evaluation (Presentation slides)

These slides accompanied a presentation at the American Evaluation Association's annual conference in October 2013 in Washington, DC. 

Innovation Network evaluators Veena Pankaj and Kat Athanasiades discussed how the Framework for Public Policy Advocacy was used in a retrospective evaluation of a large scale philanthropic public policy campaign. The framework helped to identify and plot grantee strategies across two dimensions - target audience(s) and desired outcomes. Using bubble charts to illustrate the strategic focus of each grantee, the evaluation team was able to recognize trends among the grantee partners, identify gaps and provide an aggregate overview of the types of strategies being supported. Presenters highlighted how the framework was used in selecting and developing appropriate data collection methodologies based on the strategic focus of the grantees. These methodologies were created to specifically correspond to the outcome areas and target audience(s) highlighted by the framework. Finally, the presenters reflected on lessons learned and shared insights for improving advocacy evaluation at the portfolio level. 

The presentation handout is available here:


Bibliographic Details
Author Veena Pankaj and Kat Athanasiades, Innovation Network
Publisher Innovation Network, Inc.
Publication Date October 16, 2013
Publication City Washington, DC, USA
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K October 24, 2013 - 4:07pm

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