Transforming Knowledge into Change

From Expert to Advocate! Tools for Evidence-Based Advocacy In Your Community

You are a powerful force in your community. As a service provider and/or community leader you see clearly where more progress can be made. How can you build the evidence base to change policies and increase resources to save more lives?

To get started, here are a few tools to assess gaps in service delivery and resource allocation, while increasing community and citizen ownership. These tools are just a sample of how to build your evidence base for effective advocacy. The process of developing your evidence base with your community can be as important as the end product.


Bibliographic Details
Author ACTION: Advocacy to Control Tuberculosis Internationally
Publisher ACTION: Advocacy to Control Tuberculosis Internationally
Publication Date January 1, 2012
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K March 4, 2013 - 11:20am


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