Transforming Knowledge into Change

Evaluation to Support Strategic Learning: Principles and Practices

Evaluation that supports strategic learning is an area that the Center for Evaluation Innovation is helping to develop and grow. Working with organizations and groups to integrate evaluative thinking into their strategic decision making and bring timely data to the table for reflection and use has tremendous potential as an approach to evaluation, particularly for complex and dynamic social change strategies.

This brief defines the concept of evaluation for strategic learning and the principles that underlie it. Its aim is to increase awareness about, and use of, this approach. The Center is supporting the development of further resources and tools that evaluators, nonprofits, and funders can use to learn about and apply strategic learning.


Bibliographic Details
Author Julia Coffman & Tanya Beer
Publisher Center for Evaluation Innovation
Publication Date June 1, 2011
Publication City Washington, DC
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K January 22, 2013 - 3:04pm

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