Transforming Knowledge into Change

Dynamic Dozen: Design. Tips from top presenters from the American Evaluation Association

This study consisted of interviews with a dozen of the top AEA presenters to get their secrets about how to make and deliver great presentations. Their comments were grouped into three stages of presenting: message, design, and delivery. This report focuses solely on Design, that is, the intentional composition of slides. While the context for their talks spanned long and short presentations, and included different types of audiences and purposes, their insights can be used or modified by evaluators for their own presentations at the AEA annual conference and elsewhere. Moreover, their suggestions may not be suited for the comfort level of all presenters. Take what you can and apply it to your own context to make your presentations more potent.

The second stage in creating or editing a presentation is design. Our Dynamic Dozen identified three main considerations for presentation design: technology, language, and handouts.


Bibliographic Details
Author Anjanette Raber
Publisher American Evaluation Association Potent Presentations Initiative
Publication Date August 1, 2012
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K August 29, 2012 - 11:33am


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