Transforming Knowledge into Change

Evaluating System Change: A Planning Guide

This methods brief provides guidance on planning effective evaluations of system change interventions. It begins with a general overview of systems theory and then outlines a three-part process for designing system change evaluations. This three-part process aligns (1) the dynamics of the targeted system or situation, (2) the dynamics of the system change intervention, and (3) the intended purpose(s) and methods of the evaluation. Incorporating systems theory and dynamics into evaluation planning can improve an evaluation’s design by capturing system conditions, dynamics, and points of influence that affect the operation and impact of a system change intervention. The goal is to provide an introduction to system change evaluation planning and design and to encourage funders, program planners, managers, and evaluators to seek out more information and apply systems methods in their own evaluation work.



Bibliographic Details
Author Margaret B. Hargreaves
Publisher Mathematica
Publication Date April 1, 2010
Publication City Princeton, NJ
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K July 9, 2012 - 12:19pm

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