Transforming Knowledge into Change

Building Capacity to Measure and Manage Performance

This article explores what it takes to build the capacity for measuring and managing performance. It is written for nonprofits
(and their funders) who are ready to embark on the journey of measuring for learning and improvement, or who are somewhere along the path. Informed by interviews with a dozen nonprofit chief executive officers (CEOs)/executive directors (EDs) or measurement directors, diverse in the maturity of their organizations’ programs, size, geography, and fields, the article reflects their thoughts on what worked and didn’t work as they built their measurement capacity. It also draws on over 10 years of consulting and executive search work at The Bridgespan Group, in which we’ve had the opportunity to observe the kinds of strategies and people that have made performance measurement successful.

Main themes include the following:

Theme 1: It takes leadership commitment, more than cash, to get started

Theme 2: Provide incentives to nurture a culture of continuous improvement

Theme 3: Engage outside expertise early and often over time to support internal capacity

Theme 4: Your first Measurement Director needs more than just data skills

Theme 5: Evolve the measurement function as the organization grows and priorities shift

 As well as suggestions for finding a Measurement Director


Bibliographic Details
Author Matthew Forti & Kathleen Yazbak
Publisher The Bridgespan Group
Publication Date April 14, 2012
Publication City New York City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K May 15, 2012 - 11:27am

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