Transforming Knowledge into Change

Measuring and Improving Costs, Cost-Effectiveness, and Cost-Benefit for Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

The manual consists of 12 chapters, starting with definitions of various cost analyses and explaining their importance. A suggested
timetable breaks the measurement process into specific tasks, identifies who needs to be involved, and presents concrete assignments for each person on the data collection and analysis team.

Then the manual explains the model on which it is based and helps you define your own program in terms of your resources, procedures, processes, and outcomes. This exercise alone can reveal many things about your program, both its strengths and its weaknesses.

Detailed, step-by-step instructions and suggestions are given for:

  •  Collecting and analyzing cost data.
  •  Collecting patient data.
  •  Finding the cost-effectiveness of your procedures and processes.
  •  Exploring cost benefits.
  •  Using your findings to improve your program.


Bibliographic Details
Author Brian T. Yates, Ph.D.
Publisher National Institute of Health
Publication Date August 1, 1999
Publication City Washington, DC
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K December 20, 2010 - 5:27pm


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