Transforming Knowledge into Change

Partnerships for Environmental Public Health Evaluation Metrics Manual

The Partnership for Environmental Public Health Evaluation Metrics Manual provides examples of tangible metrics and program tools that PEPH grantees and others can use for planning and evaluation purposes. Sample metrics include measures for activities, outcomes and impacts related to partnership building, leveraging, product development and dissemination, education and training, and capacity building.
The Manual was developed in direct response to needs identified by grantees, who are its primary audience. Additionally, we hope there are elements within the Manual that are broadly applicable across the NIEHS extramural portfolio, and for others working to build partnerships that address public health issues.


Bibliographic Details
Author Division of Extramural Research, National Institute of Environmental Health Science
Publisher National Institute of Environmental Health Science
Publication Date October 25, 2010
Publication City Durham, NC
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K November 16, 2010 - 4:33pm


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