Transforming Knowledge into Change

Knowledge sharing, made simple. Since you're reading this, you are obviously aware of Point K's free online resources. IdeaEncore takes a similar knowledge sharing concept and runs with it. Its goal is "nothing short of worldwide, sector-wide sharing of all kinds and types of nonprofit information, knowledge, activities and ideas."

The IdeaEncore site features hundreds and hundreds of resources that have been uploaded by nonprofit sector staff and consultants, specifically for re-use by other nonprofits. The idea is to increase the effectiveness of the entire sector by helping us all spend less time recreating the wheel, and more time meeting our missions.

It's an astonishing collection of items, from simple how-tos to scholarly works. Registration is free, as are about 80% of the resources on the site. (The author of any given resource can choose to share it for free or to charge for it.)


Bibliographic Details
Author IdeaEncore Network
Publisher IdeaEncore Network
Publication Date July 19, 2010
Publication City Encinitas, CA
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K July 19, 2010 - 5:12pm

Point K Pick


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