Transforming Knowledge into Change

NGO and Grassroots Policy Influence: What is Success?

This paper begins with background on methodology, objectives, and the importance of policy influence to NGOs and grassroots organizations. Subsequent sections examine concepts related to successful policy work such as civil society and social capital; present an overview of the Filipino political and social context; describe five Filipino case studies; draw some key lessons and insights from those studies regarding success factors and makes comparisons; discuss trade-offs and dilemmas; and summarize important findings. Specifically in regard to advocacy evaluation, the author notes, "[I]n order to evaluate policy campaigns fully both on the basis of their short- and long-term accomplishments, success needs to be measured by gains achieved across three different dimensions—policy, civil society and democracy." A chart assessing the success of four Filipino advocacy campaigns across the three dimensions is included.


Bibliographic Details
Author Miller, Valerie
Publisher Just Associates
Publication Date January 1, 1994
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K January 18, 2008 - 10:37am


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