Transforming Knowledge into Change

Measuring Social Change Investments

The Women’s Funding Network ("WFN") is "a worldwide partnership of women's funds, donors, and allies committed to social justice, in particular as it relates to appreciating women and girls as key to building strong, equitable, and sustainable communities and societies."

Since 2001, WFN has supported ongoing research on the concept of social return on investment ("SROI") under the title "Measuring Social Change Investments." This paper summarizes the "Measuring Social Change Investments" research. 

The fist section, "Understanding Change," presents evidence from a literature review and argues that measuring social change will require a new model to accommodate the complexity and unpredictability of change.

The second section, "The Achievement Vector," suggests a preliminary SROI measurement model incorporating the findings of the literature review.


Bibliographic Details
Author Puntenney, Deborah L.
Publisher Women's Funding Network
Publication Date April 15, 2002
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K January 18, 2008 - 11:10am

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