Transforming Knowledge into Change

Evaluation: Finding a Common Ground [Slides]

While common frameworks and approaches for evaluation have been developed across multiple fields, regional associations for grantmakers have, for the most part, been left out of this dialogue.The purpose of this session is to highlight the common threads that distinguish regional associations from other organizational genres in the social sector. Regional associations promote effectiveness in philanthropy by providing grantmakers with opportunities to engage with others, share ideas, and generate best practices that support both the individual and collective impact of philanthropy.

While each regional association employs its own unique mix of strategies to achieve impact, most are working towards a shared goal of promoting effectiveness within philanthropy. In this session, Innovation Network engaged participants in a group dialogue to draw out high level strategies and desired outcomes that are common across most regional associations. The resulting logic model is a tool that regional associations can use as a starting point when planning for evaluation.


Bibliographic Details
Author Veena Pankaj and Ann K. Emery
Publisher Innovation Network
Publication Date July 30, 2013
Publication City Washington, D.C.
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K July 22, 2014 - 10:27am


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