Transforming Knowledge into Change

Data and Information Visualization Throughout the Evaluation Life Cycle for Participatory Evaluation and Evaluation Capacity

Innovation Network shared approaches and examples of how to incorporate innovative data and information visualization techniques throughout each stage of the evaluation life cycle to support participatory evaluation and build evaluation capacity. In the planning and design phase mind mapping can be used to promote brainstorming and idea generation. In the data collection stage, evaluators can use creative visuals to improve stakeholder understanding of and participation in data collection, and evaluators can adhere to good design principles to create effective data collection instruments. During the analysis and reflection stage of the evaluation life cycle, tools such as data place mats and media tracking increase stakeholder comprehension and involvement. For the fourth and final phase of the evaluation life cycle-action and improvement-presenters will provide examples of dashboards and other tools for effectively communicating findings and managing performance.


Bibliographic Details
Author Johanna Morariu, Myia Welsh, Veena Pankaj, Melissa March
Publisher Innovation Network
Publication Date November 3, 2011
Publication City Washington, D.C.
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K July 22, 2014 - 2:17pm


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